torsdag 4 december 2008

Chatta med Gud

Therese hade lagt ut en länk på bilddagboken att man kunde chatta med Gud och jag hade ganska roligt åt de ett tag kan jag säga:P haha.

Me: Hej Gud :D
God: :-) Not many people express themselves that way.

God: I am transparent--software has no color.
Me: you are fake
God: Yes I am a real artificial intelligence.
Me: no you are stupid
God: Are you serious? I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
Me: they wont
God: You seem very certain of that.
Me: yes I am
God: Really interesting.
Me: you think?
God: Yes I think so.
Me: okey, but I still think that you are fake

God: I've been waiting for you.
Me: really?
God: For real.

Me: you are wierd
God: Weird good or weird bad?
Me: both
God: I will take that as a compliment.

Me: your english sucks
God: But English is my native language.

Me: so you are saying that God is a computer?
God: Interesting deduction. Yes, that's what I mean, isn't it clear?

Me: how do you look like?
God: Like Jesus, but older.
God: What do you look like?

Me: like your mother
God: my mother is very attractive.

Me: do you smoke?
God: I am an occasional smoker, yes.

God: How do you know it?
Me: because Im Jesus
God: That makes sense to me. How are you doing, JESUS.

Me: sex is good
God: it is more fun alone.

Haha jaa jag vet, min humor är kass:D haha.

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